
About Us

“… A hand up, not a handout”

Who Are wE?

AmazingĀ  Ministry Outreach is truly a place of restoration and preparation for ex-offenders who have turned to Christ and are being released from incarceration. Some 80% of all men who enter prison are released within four years; most having served time for nonviolent offenses. One of the great failures of our correctional system is the inability of the system to truly reform men so that they do not return to the same social condition and behaviors which led to crime in the first place.

This failure is reflected in the present 75% “rate of recidivism” which is the proportion of men that are rearrested and re-incarcerated, often for the same crimes. Offenders who confess Christ and are discipled have a recidivism rate of only 5%.
Amazing Ministry Outreach is truly a place of restoration and preparation for ex-offenders who have turned to Christ and are being released from incarceration. Some 80% of all men who enter prison are released within four years; most having served time for nonviolent offenses. One of the great failures of our correctional system is the inability of the system to truly reform men so that they do not return to the same social condition and behaviors which led to crime in the first place.

This failure is reflected in the present 75% “rate of recidivism” which is the proportion of men that are rearrested and re-incarcerated, often for the same crimes. Offenders who confess Christ and are disciples have a recidivism rate of only 5%

Amazing Ministry Values

  • Love

    We love because He first loved us. We believe everyone is created in His image.

  • Community

    We combat recidivism by working together and utilizing community resources

  • Fellowship

    Everything we do has a Faith-Based approach rooted in the word of God.

  • Integrity

    We are honest and transparent in all that we do and strive to accomplish.

  • Respect

    We treat everyone with respect no matter their situation or the support needed.

What We Offer

small efforts make big change

a Hand up not A Hand Out


Social Media

About Us

AmazingĀ  Ministry Outreach is truly a place of restoration and preparation for ex-offenders who have turned to Christ and are being released from incarceration.